Performance Review Question Playbook
15 Jan 2025: A question playbook is a valuable tool for decision-making and influencing outcomes. It consists of versatile, thought-provoking questions that apply to a wide range of scenarios. When working with leaders,...
10 Dec 2024: At Amazon, teams often define tenets as guiding principles to accelerate decision-making. These tenets represent shared beliefs that align team members on what is important and help prioritize decisions. Essentially,...
09 Nov 2024: This week, I had the privilege of attending a hand-on workshop about leading innovation. It was a packed 3-day schedule and I learned a lot both from the material and...
What Makes a Good Standard Operating Procedure
06 Oct 2024: What is a Standard Operating Procedure? In software operations, we use standard operating procedures (often called runbooks) to describe how to mitigate issues. These are procedures to mitigate issues that...
The Integration Test Partial Workflow
05 Feb 2024: This post is part of a series on the IronPLC deployment and integration pipelines. This topic describes the integration test workflow. Strategy The integration test workflow ensures compatibility between independent...
19 Nov 2023: This post is part of a series on the IronPLC deployment and integration pipelines. This topic describes the version partial workflow. Strategy The version partial workflow increments the version number...
Continuous Deployment for a Visual Studio Code Extension with Language Server Protocol
13 Nov 2023: Continuous deployment is the automated delivery of software into production environments. Continuous deployment goes one (big) step beyond continuous delivery because there are not manual approval steps. But continuous deployment...
Systems Engineering Reading List
04 Nov 2023: One of my favorite topics is the behavior of medium sized systems. Medium sized systems are those that are too big for analytical techniques and too small for statistical techniques....
27 Oct 2023: just is a cross-platform task runner. I use just extensively to define the build tasks for IronPLC, in part so that local builds and the continuous integration builds are as...
27 Oct 2023: just is a cross-platform task runner. I use just extensively to define the build tasks for IronPLC. I use just so that my local builds and the continuous integration builds...
10 Aug 2023: I read a descent amount and am often asked to recommend great books to read. I’ll try and share some of my all time favorites. (There is a bit of...
06 Apr 2023: Meetings are expensive. If you are going to meet, it “pays” for everyone to know the objective. It helps you decide who should be there. I think it is useful...
24 Mar 2023: The usual definition for engineering is the application of science and mathematics to solve problems. Implicit in that definition is that problems inherently have trade-offs. Let’s make it explicit: engineering...
15 Feb 2023: One more for the catalog. Naked Emperor Principal It is better to know that you are not wearing clothes rather than believe you are dressed when you are factually naked....
15 Feb 2023: A joke for the catalog. Boring Principal Important things are best done in a way that no one notices — Garret Fick Coined by myself as a joke. I had completed...
Machine Learning Models as Hypothesis
07 Sep 2021: It is common when describing neural networks (a subset of machine learning) to use the character \(h\) as the output from a perceptron, as in: \[h = g(a)\] h here...
21 Aug 2021: I often find myself referring to these but sometimes forget the name. Now if I could only remember I have a list… Ockham’s razor or Principle of Parsimony Entities should...
15 May 2019: Making mistakes is not fun but it turns out that mistakes are often very good learning opportunities. While on vacation, I got to spend some time thinking about some mistakes...
Fork-Friendly Node.js Travis CI Configuration
19 Apr 2019: I’ve been recently contributing to CloudSploit’s scans and gotten a few changes merged in. Their current usage pattern is to use Git to obtain the code an run it on...
14 Apr 2019: Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software - Eric Evans - Bounded Contexts Enterprise Integration Patterns Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems SOA Patterns
21 Mar 2019: I’m trying to communicate with the OpenPLC Linux SoftPLC via pydnp3. In this setup the SoftPLC is operating as the outstation and my code in pydnp3 is operating as the...
Dependency Track with Postgres and Docker Compose
20 Mar 2019: I’ve recently been investigating Dependency Track for understanding risks in third-party software that we use. To make things easy, I’ve been running locally via docker. One lesson is that you...
19 Mar 2019: OpenPLC uses a particular format for binding variables to addresses. It took a bit of digging around, but I’ve finally figured out what they mean and how OpenPLC interprets the...
08 Mar 2019: OpenPLC supports DNP3 on the SoftPLC platform (except for Windows). This post describes how I was able to interact with the DNP3 slave (outstation) running on Linux SoftPLC. This post...
Hello World for OpenPLC and Modbus on Windows SoftPLC
01 Mar 2019: My explorations into PLC runtimes has taken me to discover OpenPLC. The goal of this post is to explain how I was able to deploy a “Hello World” project running...
08 Feb 2019: I’ve been experimenting with tools for benchmarking AWS deployments. One tool I experimented with is (prowler)[]. However, it doesn’t seem to run nicely under Windows unless you have cygwin. After...
23 Dec 2018: A perceptron is a linear binary classifier. That is, it is an algorithm that takes a vector of inputs and produces a single true or false value representing whether the...
07 Oct 2018: What happens when there is a page fault? (start) │ ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │ VPN │ ┌───────┴────────┐ │ ┌───────┴────────┐ │ │ │ Find on disk │ │ │ TLB update │...
02 Oct 2018: Spin locks a ubiquitous tool used to implement synchronization on multiprocessor systems. Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors gives a good overview of various spin lock approaches, but it...
Testing Asynchronous Behaviour in Java with Countdown Latch
09 Sep 2018: The popularity of reactive programming in Java (such as CompletableFuture) mean that multi-threaded programming is increasingly common. This can cause problems for unit testing because developers sometimes rely on timeouts...
Sterlings Approximation for Factorial
25 Jul 2018: Sterling’s approximation for the factorial function, even for small values of x. Out of my own interest, I wanted to know how accurate it is. \[x! \simeq x^{x} e^{-x} \sqrt{2...
Safe Multi-master Primary Keys
23 May 2018: A common database design practice is to use auto-incrementing (unsigned) integers as the primary key for a table. While there are other approaches, such as UUIDs (GUIDs), integers have several...
23 May 2018: I’m been working my way through a number of Docker training (tutorials). In the past, I had always used Docker on Mac, and it was pretty easy to follow the...
20 May 2017: Josephus Problem describes a counting-out game where you progressively remove (kill) people by their position, until only one person remains. For example, take a group of 10 people, then kill...
11 May 2017: Libraries for C++, C# and other language frequently provide tuple objects as an easy way to create n-pairings of items and objects, for example std::pair and System.Tuple. Because they are...
11 May 2017: A pretty common problem is to get the top N items from a group from a SQL database. For example, suppose you wanted to get the last order for each...
Using Terraform to Build Heroku/S3 Site
07 May 2017: I have been playing around with Terraform, and decided to try to use terraform to build a staging environment for this site. (In fact, I actually already had a staging...
06 May 2017: The program below is a simple example of testing whether two strings are isomorphic. Isomorphic means there is a straight mapping between the two strings. This example uses a simple...
28 Apr 2017: Quick select is an efficient algorithm for finding the k-th item in a list. The following is a simple implementation to find the k-th smallest item from a list of...
19 Apr 2017: The following is a simple algorithm to merge two sorted arrays. Merging two sorted arrays is essentially the same as a single round in merge sort. If you were implementing...
19 Apr 2017: The following is a simple example for now to convert an integer to a string (doesn’t include error checking, sign detection, non-base 10). #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <string> ///...
Setting up a October CMS environment with Vagrant and Heroku
20 Mar 2017: OctoberCMS is an interesting CMS platform build on Laravel. There is a great official tutorial on how to setup OctoberCMS with a Vagrant box using the quick install approach. That...
Page does not exist - Installing GCC on Mac
23 Feb 2017: Oops. I think this page may have moved. Maybe you want Installing GCC on Mac.
Using Redis as Django Worker Queue on Heroku
20 Nov 2015: Heroku documentation recommends using Redis Queue to setup worker tasks. But for me, that document was pretty incomplete for how to setup Redis Queue for a production Django application. This...
20 Nov 2015: Suppose you want to use the latest and greatest version of GCC on the Mac because you want to use features in C++11 that are not yet available in XCode....
Development Process - From None to Not None
07 Nov 2015: A pretty common question I’m asked is what kind of R&D process we used (and I implemented) at my last company. The question is enormous because it covers at least...
Passing the YCombinator Interview With No Preparation
13 Oct 2015: For me, applying to and interviewing for YCombinator was a whirlwind experience. We applied a few days after the deadline and then didn’t hear anything until 5 days before we...
Split Windows and Linux Configuration
25 Sep 2015: This is part 4 of a 4 part series on how to setup Django locally on Windows and deploy to Heroku. Introduction Setup and Run Django+Heroku Locally on Windows Change...
Setup and Run Django+Heroku Locally on Windows
19 Aug 2015: This is part 2 of a 4 part series on how to setup Django locally on Windows and deploy to Heroku. Introduction Setup and Run Django+Heroku Locally on Windows (this...
Setting up Django Locally on Windows and Deploy to Heroku
19 Aug 2015: Setting up Django 1.8 with PostgreSQL to run on Heroku - that’s straightforward. Just follow the official Heroku documentation Getting Started with Django on Heroku. But what if you want...
Change Django from SQLite to PostgreSQL on Windows
19 Aug 2015: TODO fix the link at the bottom of this page! This is part 3 of a 4 part series on how to setup Django locally on Windows and deploy to...
Practical Trello for Small Team Software Development
14 Aug 2015: For small software teams on a limited budget, Trello can be a really good tool for keeping track of and planning work. Since Trello isn’t designed for this task, it...
06 Aug 2015: My big personal news in February was undoubtedly that I was leaving National Instruments to join a startup, SnapEDA. So it must be equally big news to announce in August...
Difference Between IEnumerable and IList
10 Sep 2014: During a code review, I recommended changing a return value from IList to IEnumerable. Is there any real difference between these two interfaces? In fact, there is one huge difference....
Web Analytics Lessons from ShanghaiPRIDE 2014
10 Aug 2014: This presentation analyzes ShanghaiPRIDE web analytics information from 2014 to understand how visitors use the website and prioritize development task for 2015. Directly download the presentation.
Rotating and Changing the Color of an Image with CSS3
07 Aug 2014: For the menu system on the website I’m working on, we want to have a triangular icon that indicates the item has children. The items themselves are stacked vertically and...
The Surprising Performance of Values
31 Jul 2014: Sometimes you find yourself needing to iterate over all items in a Dictionary. And in those cases, sometimes you don’t care about the keys - you only care about the...
Custom Failed Assert Information for the VisualStudio C# Test Runner
14 Jun 2014: I was recently debugging an intermittent test failure that would only occur on a machine I couldn’t access, so I wanted to output some additional information about the test failure....
19 May 2014: In the last post, we saw that IDs link things together. In practice, you could use anything for the IDs, as long as both the ID and the reference are...
30 Apr 2014: For the group I work in at National Instruments, every piece of code we commit is reviewed by at least someone else. I’ve wrote before about why I think code...
Object Versus String Hashing for Dictionary
28 Mar 2014: A question came up while reviewing some code that I needed to answer before I gave the feedback. What is faster: adding objects or strings to Dictionary(TKey, TValue). I was...
Simple Sliding CSS3 Animation2
07 Mar 2014: The website I’m working on uses a responsive design and the mobile layout has the menu hidden along the side. We want it to slide out when the user clicks...
How to Resolve Use Lambda Expression
14 Feb 2014: As someone relatively new to C#, I don’t always think of the simplest way to express my intent. We use Resharper in my workplace and it is quite good at...
Shelve-Review-Unshelve Workflow
22 Jan 2014: At National Instruments, we review every piece of code (or at least for the project I work in). Nothing gets checked in without a second (or more) set of eyes...
StyleCop Example Custom Rule Project
13 Nov 2013: A project I’m working on uses StyleCop to automatically enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It took some time for me to get a project setup because the...
06 Nov 2013: I’ve been consuming some information about choice, or more accurately, about the proliferation of choice. Harvard Business Review: More Isn’t Always Better The Economist: The Tyranny of Choice - You...
OECL Dictionaries and Element Relationships
05 Nov 2013: An OECL file aims to be a complete description of a component or an entire library of components. Dictionaries It does that by defining a series of dictionaries that describe...
Open EDA Component Library Introduction
29 Oct 2013: Finally I can talk about the longest and biggest project I have ever worked on: OECL. So what is it? Well, let’s start with the name. OECL stands for Open...
18 Oct 2013: It isn’t like I haven’t merged before, it’s more I never really really thought about it. When you doing a three way merge between branches, you have three files, and...
Lookup Table For Faster Character Checks
15 Sep 2013: Some time ago I wrote some code to check if a character was a valid VHDL identifier. The rules for a valid identifier are somewhat complex and so checking with...
Visitor Versus 'is' Cast in C#
03 Sep 2013: Obviously C# is not C++, and so it is important to not simply assume that things true in C++ are also true in C#. A good question is the cost...
Remove Built-in Formatting Styles in Word
12 Aug 2013: When I write documents in Microsoft Word, I make extensive use of styles because they are the easiest way to ensure that your document has a consistent formatting and that...
13 Jun 2013: It isn’t hard to notice how HTML5 and WAI-ARIA seem to conflict each other. They often provide elements and attributes that seem to do the same thing. In some cases,...
28 May 2013: I suspect that when most people hear that I’m a software developer, they immediately picture some stereotypical antisocial nerd who relates better to machines than to people. I’m sure that...
What Can Go Wrong Open a File for Writing
27 May 2013: During a code review, I requested an intern to add a try-except block for some file handling code. (The language happen to be Python, but that isn’t really the point.)...
Accessible HTML Link to Call a Phone
21 May 2013: You can find lots of information about how to create HTML links to call a phone number. The syntax is essentially <a href="tel:NUMBER">NUMBER</a>. Most examples however would not work for...
Recharging a China Unicom Phone
19 May 2013: Note It is much easier to recharge now via Alipay or Wechat pay, but not all foreigners have that setup quickly. I haven’t tried this method in quite some time,...
Conditional Logic is Bad in Unit Tests
23 Apr 2013: I’ve follow the mantra that branch points in unit tests are bad practice, but I’d never tried to give specific reasons why it is bad practice. If you think about...
What's Wrong With unsigned unsigned_val = (unsigned) double_val?
19 Apr 2013: During a code review, I was asked why I wrote the following C code: double dval = ...; uint16_t uval = (uint16_t) MAX(0, MIN(dval, UINT16_MAX)); If I am going to...
Physical Examination of Foreigners
19 Feb 2013: After months of work, and repeated setbacks, I received my Chinese Z visa just 2 days before my earlier booked flight. The final delay in the work visa was Physical...
13 Feb 2013: The Windows API provides the GetDateFormat and GetDateFormatEx functions for formatting time information into the appropriate locale specific format. Using the function, you can decide whether to return the date...
Messages for Exceptional Errors
01 Feb 2013: One of things I really like about the Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines is the expression of error messages. Microsoft phrases this as “problem, cause, solution.” In fact, the idea...
Settings, Preferences, and Schemes Oh My!
31 Jan 2013: Terminology in Windows can be a quite confusing. What exactly is the difference between customization, options, personalization, preferences, properties, schemes, and settings. The Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines has some...
How to connect to AWR Design Environment Component API from C++
16 Jan 2013: AWR Design Environment has a COM API which you can use to extend the product. COM is easy to use from .NET languages, but requires a little extra work to...
Conventions are Important for Understanding
14 Jan 2013: While at the gym this past week, one of the staff members kindly informed me that I was using weights in a room where weights were not allowed. Surprised, I...
Page Not Found - Sending Faxes Back Home
01 Jan 2013: Oops. I’ve changed the focus of my blog and the page you visited doesn’t exist anymore.
Page Not Found - Registration Form of Temporary Residence
01 Jan 2013: Oops. I’ve changed the focus of my blog and this page doesn’t exist anymore.
How to static_cast std::unique_ptr
01 Jan 2013: I’ve been writing a lot of code using std::unique_ptr, new in standard library changes for C++11. One of the thing the library doesn’t provide is a way to cast std::unique_ptr,...
Page Not Found - Engineering Technology for Social Change
01 Jan 2013: Oops. I’ve changed the focus of my blog and this page doesn’t exist anymore.
07 Dec 2012: Last time I posted about why you should prefer streams to buffers. That post was motivated by some work I asked of an intern. I asked her to use the...
std::find_if with C-style arrays
06 Dec 2012: It is probably less well known, but many of the C++ STL algorithms can operate on containers and C-style arrays. The evidence is that few examples cover C-style arrays. But...
Why Should You Prefer Streaming to Buffers?
04 Dec 2012: I’ve been working with the xmlwrapp library on GitHub for parsing XML in C++. For parsing XML, it provides two interfaces. The first one takes a file name and the...
01 Dec 2012: An earlier post of mine describes the purpose of skip links. Now that you want to implement it, what is the best way? Searching online gives lots of options and...
Breadcrumbs and Web Accessibility
27 Nov 2012: I’ve decided to give a talk on web accessibility in a few months, in particular, on how to make web pages accessible. I’ve spent time trying to make this site...
Measure String Extent in non-UI Code on Windows
23 Nov 2012: A common problem I’ve had is measuring text (strings) that will be drawn to the screen from code that knows nothing about drawing. The problem is that the measure text...
Gaining Software Developer Experience
22 Nov 2012: I was recently asked for advice on taking a first step in to the real programming world. After studying software programming, how do you make that transition to actually work...
19 Nov 2012: I’ve been looking at the IPC-2581A specification for representing PCB data. The XML format defines quite a few shapes, including octagons, but I was intrigued to find that octagons in...
17 Nov 2012: I’m at Intro to Web Accessibility at Accessibility Camp Toronto. I’ve tried to make my website accessible, so what have I done wrong? I’m sure there is a lot more,...
09 Nov 2012: After finding out that our table topics member was in the hospital with appendix problems (how selfish!), I had to quickly come up with some table topics. Thankfully, Abby provided...
Easy Improvised Speaking Topics
26 Oct 2012: I’ve blogged before that I participate in a speaking club in my workplace. One part of our activities is giving short improvised speeches, similar to Toastmaster’s TABLE TOPICS™. Over the...
23 Oct 2012: HTML has tags that are useful for giving additional semantic meaning to text. They are particularly useful for describing code or instructions for using a computer, although I’ve rarely seem...
HTML5 time for Joomla templates
04 Sep 2012: HTML5 has a new time element. You can use it simply to identify parts of your document that describe a date/time, but the most useful part is you can use...
Keyboard Shortcuts for Running Windows 8 on VirtualBox for Mac
03 Sep 2012: As soon Windows 8 was released, at least for those of us with MSDN licenses, I installed it on Virtual Box since I use a Mac at home. After running...
08 Aug 2012: I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, but apparently forgot to hit the publish button. So far, in my list of goals for my website refresh, we’ve seen the...
18 Jul 2012: A couple of months ago, I ran another video series at work, this time about unit testing. Honestly, this one was less interesting than the design video series. But this...
18 Jul 2012: The last few posts (and probably the majority of the next few) are likely all about HTML5, metadata, and Joomla. That’s because I’ve decided to “convert” this site to...
Display Specific Joomla Template with URL Parameter
15 Jul 2012: For some reason, finding this took an enormous amount of time today. I started writing my own Joomla template, and wanted to see my site in it, without changing my...
Automatically Show Image for Paragraph using CSS
14 Jul 2012: This is an old post that has been converted to a new format. The original image does not show, but the technique is still valid. My experience writing web pages...
Error 3480 for Captured Variables when Nesting Lambdas
11 Jul 2012: Sometimes you need to nest C++ lambdas, for example if you have an outer and inner for loops and you want to use std::for_each to show that you intend to...
Setting up Eclipse CDT on Windows
03 Jul 2012: I wanted to compile my own version of libxml2 on Windows using GCC and the Eclipse CDT environment. (You can also use the Visual Studio project included with libxml2, but...
03 Jul 2012: I’ve recently been investigating how to better attribute articles on this blog to myself as the author. I know I write them, but how do I communicate that to the...
Interviewing is Like Speed Dating
19 Jun 2012: I was the humorist at our speaking club today. I gave a humorous talk about interviewing. Interviewing is kind of like speed dating. You’ll meet a lot of people in...
Improved Design Pattern for Unit-Testable Event-Based (SAX) Parsers
18 Jun 2012: Previously, I wrote about a design pattern for unit-testable event-based (SAX) parsers. At that time, I had used the pattern for a couple of parsers, and found it to be...
Design Pattern for Unit-Testable Event-Based (SAX) Parsers
14 May 2012: Note Some improvements to this article are described in a later blog post. Read this one first, then head on over to the later blog post. Recently, I’ve been looking...
Lambda Expressions as Class Member
29 Apr 2012: Recently I’ve been refactoring code to make it unit testable. Due to the way the code words, I needed to create a stub that included some unit test assertions. In...
25 Apr 2012: Today was my turn to give a main speech for the speaking club I belong to/help run at work. I spoke about online personal branding which is part of the...
Multithreading Bug in Main Thread Code
13 Apr 2012: Is is possible for code that is only executed in the main thread to behave as through multi-threads were accessing the code? To help answer the question, assume you are...
31 Mar 2012: I wrote the first draft of this post at the beginning of 2012 as an experiment - to see if I could keep my blog active long enough to actually...
Exporting Functions and Namespaces
19 Mar 2012: Turns out my initial analysis was incomplete. See the end of of the post for details. Initial Analysis Last week, I ran into an interesting issue that I think is...
Avoid Loading of Unnecessary Symbols
09 Mar 2012: Setting up Visual Studio to use a symbol server can greatly improve your ability to debug problems. However, adding a symbol server can significantly slow down debugging as Visual Studio...
Finding an Object Using Lambda Expressions
02 Mar 2012: After a hiatus in XML-land, I’m back developing in C++ land. We’ve moved to up Visual Studio 2010 since the last time I was doing serious development work, and so...
28 Feb 2012: It was my turn today to come up with impromptu speaking topics for our club at work. I decided to do a role-playing theme with the following roles. Fortune teller...
Designing Efficient Interfaces
25 Feb 2012: Whenever I see someone using a fancy new software interface, such as at a bank, I love to ask if they like it. I think without exception, the answer has...
LNK2005 After Converting to Use MFC
16 Jan 2012: Although I work on a large MFC based project, often I create small independent projects before converting and integrating that code into our main product. I usually don’t turn on...
05 Dec 2011: I recently discovered The Sales Lion thanks to The Globe and Mail. Although I find his writing style uses a few too many exclamation marks, the site is a great...
Engineering Technology for Social Change
05 Dec 2011: I had the opportunity to listen to the developer of the worlds cheapest tablet, the Aakash, speak at the University of Toronto this week about the use of technology in...
04 Dec 2011: Different character encoding schemes are a headache - a headache that is unfortunately not going away. wcstombs (or related Microsoft secure functions, _wcstombs_s and _wcstombs_s_l) are your staple when translating...
27 Nov 2011: Whenever you create a custom control in Windows, it is important that the control look right, even when Windows has been themed. This means when drawing, you need to pick...
27 Nov 2011: I’m working on a new iPad app (sorry, I can’t reveal yet what it is). The app is planned to have two full-screen views. The first view is fundamentally a...
Review - Succeeding with Agile
21 Nov 2011: I just finished reading most of Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn. I skipped the last part of the book, particularly the sections discussing scaling scrum....
17 Nov 2011: Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Agile, and specifically on Scrum. Admittedly, when I started reading, I was skeptical showing the typical inertia to change. I still...
13 Oct 2011: Last week I wrote about why I think #include in headers are evil. Sometimes #includes in headers is a result of laziness, but other times, because there is apparently no...
12 Oct 2011: I’ve been working on a major project at work since the beginning of the year. As usual, I can’t talk about specifics. Is is my latest major project at work,...
05 Oct 2011: Any seasoned C/C++ developer should already know that #include in header files are evil. Not quite as evil as goto (see below), but close. There are any number of reasons...
26 Sep 2011: About a year ago, I created a video seminar series about usability. I didn’t actually create the videos - I just screened them. I still think these videos are a...
24 Oct 2010: I’ve been working on an application to sell through the Android Market since the middle of the summer. Life got a little busy, so there were a couple of months...
Natural User Interfaces and CAD
24 May 2010: There is a lot of recent interest in user interface design driven by multiple factors, primarily the pervasive mobile device, but also other factors such as increasing software capabilities. This...
14 May 2010: We all know, at least programmers, about replace all. It allows you to replace all text in a document that matches some condition, for example, replace all instances of “foo”...
04 May 2010: I was listening to a radio program - I can’t believe I’m actually writing that, but it was what the last person in my car share was listening to -...
29 Apr 2010: I frequently think about quality and in my job that means bugs. Severity, visibility - simply bugs. I’ve mentioned before that I don’t buy the prevailing wisdom that we can’t...
29 Apr 2010: OK, so we recently interviewed 5 people for a position at work. One was 5-10 minutes late, and one was 40 minutes late. That’s right, 40 minutes late. I don’t...
06 Apr 2010: One of the regular blogs I follow is The Old New Thing. Following the quarterly link clearance, I stumbled upon a discussion of shipping software with bugs. As the writer...
01 Apr 2010: I’ve had a couple of really good days at work. I spent about 16 months in 2008-2009 developing a major new feature for our flagship product. It primarily consists of...