Safe Multi-master Primary Keys

23 May 2018 | One-minute read

A common database design practice is to use auto-incrementing (unsigned) integers as the primary key for a table. While there are other approaches, such as UUIDs (GUIDs), integers have several advantages:

  1. reduces memory footprint per item
  2. smaller database indices
  3. easy to query (compare to encoded UUIDs)

However, they do have a significant disadvantage compare to other solutions if you have multiple masters. The auto-incrementing integer must be unique, and if you have multiple masters, you need to ensure that both masters don’t create the same value - that is, the database must synchronize on every insert. This synchronization defeats part of the purpose of allowing multiple masters.

It is possible to have non-overlapping auto-incrementing keys without synchronization on every insert?

Yes - use custom sequences to increment by more than 1 and then set each master with a different starting point:

1 2
11 12
21 22
31 32

In PostgreSQL

CREATE TABLE currentvalues (
idcurrent bigint primary key
CREATE SEQUENCE currentvalues_seq INCREMENT 10 OWNED BY currentvalues.idcurrent USING local;
ALTER TABLE currentvalues ALTER COLUMN idcurrent SET DEFAULT nextval('currentvalues_seq');
SELECT setval('currentvalues_seq', 1);

The second master is similar, but has a different starting point

SELECT setval('currentvalues_seq', 2)

Disadvantages? You will exhaust the possible values sooner and you have to maintain this stateful information, particularly through restoring from backups.