Performance Review Question Playbook
A question playbook is a valuable tool for decision-making and influencing outcomes. It consists of versatile, thought-provoking questions that apply to a wide range of scenarios. When working with leaders, you’ll often notice they have a set of “go-to questions”—their favorites—that help drive clarity and focus.
Over the past two days, I participated in performance reviews and observed how well-crafted questions can uncover insights and ensure fairness. Below are some of the most effective questions I encountered, along with their objectives.
What one specific achievement best justifies this rating?
Objective: Identify the key data points supporting the rating.
Employees receiving top ratings often have long lists of accomplishments. This question seeks to pinpoint the critical contributions that elevated the employee from “highly talented” to “extraordinary.” It encourages evaluators to articulate the rationale clearly and focus on evidence, not assumptions.
If you had to choose only one employee for this ranking, who would it be?
Objective: Ensure consistency and mitigate biases.
This question is particularly effective for breaking through biases like proximity bias—the tendency to favor employees we know better. By forcing a comparison across employees reporting to different managers, it tests whether ratings are genuinely data-driven and fair, regardless of proximity or familiarity.
What opportunities or support will help this employee thrive next year?
Objective: Validate the rating and set the employee up for future success.
This question ensures that the employee’s next steps align with their potential and the organization’s goals. Whether an employee needs to grow into their current role or has been consistently performing at a top level, the projects and opportunities assigned should reflect their trajectory.
Final Thoughts
A thoughtful question playbook empowers leaders to evaluate employees more effectively and equitably. By asking incisive questions, we can ensure that performance reviews are not only accurate reflections of past performance but also opportunities to plan for future growth and success.